
Solutions Finding


Some believe they do not possess it at all, others confuse it with the flair and imagination,
still others think that only a few “chosen” are mysteriously endowed.
There are some who think that creative equates to artists.
Creativity is not just imagination

Creativity is to create links and connections, new and useful,
using pre-existing elements of reality, but combined in a new and original


The creative process

For many the solution to a problem can come only through the logical-rational. Often this is a limit to new solutions.
The logic of discovery are different. Innovation, problem solving, can be reached more easily by using the generative thinking applied in a creative process. Creativity is the result of a rigorous, holistic, with new opportunities, enhances the resources, stimulates and encourages change.

Creativity is not just about finding new ideas, but to transform ideas into concrete results.


Creative Solution Finding©

From problem solving to Solution finding

While Problem solving means “move away from”, solution finding means “move towards” something. Creative Solution Finding replaces the problem with the challenge. The process essentially consists of three phases:


First phase: defining the challenge

From “wish” we identify the challenge: at first, we formulate the challenge then analyze it and examine. We need to pay maximum attention and proper time on this task. Before defining the challenge is useful to carry out a state of the art analysis, a sort of existing diagnostic to avoid already existing solution paths. 

Creative Solution Finding uses many demand techniques, those used in this first phase are usually: What do I want to improve? would it be great if… How can I do for…? The challenge is formulated by this last sentence.


Second phase: generation of ideas

At this stage, the production of the ideas takes place applying different creative techniques.


Creativity techniques are an essential tool for the good performance of the creative group. Therefore is essential that the facilitator or the group leader knows them well and knows how to use them. Among all available techniques which is the best to be used? And when? How to distinguish them? The idea matrix can help us.

tech eng

This idea matrix is built with two fundamental dynamics that determine our thinking and our acting and from simultaneous and dialectical trade-off of all our internal dynamics. Creative techniques are not equivalent. Different use leads to different results, the quantity and originality of the ideas produced can thus greatly vary upon the family of techniques.


Third phase: planning of actions

This is the final phase, you draw to conclude the work performed. Here is also measured the quality of the work. Faced with dozens, hundreds of ideas that are often similar, sometimes innovative, sometimes less, sometimes surprising, it is always difficult to decide to eliminate one in favor of the other, but it is necessary to do so. For this porpoise, convergence techniques are used: how to select the best idea? How can we bring out and evaluate the most practical, feasible and useful ideas?

The first thing to do is to group all ideas, identifying some common elements, to build clusters. it is simpler to select ideas within each family as we reduced the number of alternatives. A final decision is made based on the previously defined criteria. 

Al least we decided how to sale the selected idea and how to apply it, which obstacles we may eventually face and which allies we may find.



   Creativity in action

     These are some of the areas of intervention in which is possible to use our method:

-          The design of new products and services
     Solving organizational problems
     Innovation business processes 
     Improving the quality 
     Consolidation of effective teams
     Diffusion of innovation in the company

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Crea Team